Thursday, August 29, 2013

I miss

I miss the sun, sea and the sand. I need a long holiday (Yup, i underlined the important word, in case you miss out on the important point).

Oh yea, i miss having massage or spa as well. My backache is killing me. I am even willing to make do with a Reflexology.

I miss aimlessly roaming on the street, where I have all the time in the world. 

I miss 24 hours nonstop drama marathon. I used to do that when i am schooling.  Missing a lesson or two doesn't sound that big of a deal.

I miss ...... 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Addiction and obsession

For the past 1 month, i am hooked on one Korean Variety show, running man. I believed a lot you heard of this show before. Whether you have watched it is another thing.

Running man started 3 years back. I don't forced myself to follow the ongoing trend, so that makes me 3 years late (so much catching up to do). The reason i started watching this show is because all my favorite sitcoms are taking their season break and i have nothing to watch.

Oh man, i seriously regret starting late. One thing about me is i got zero patient in show. If i can, i will watch all the 150+ episodes at one go. Yes, i am impatient like that. Right now, I can clock up to 24 hours during weekends watching this show, and a few hours every single weekday. Discipline is not longer with me (Okie, most of the time i am not). I can't wait to catch up with the current episode so that i can start sleeping properly again. One thing about Korean Variety show, they are funny with just simple words and action. It doesn't need to involve woman wearing bikini, showing off flesh. That's the thing i like about them.

Oh yah, this post is not to promote this show. It more like an update of my current life. As for the show, personally i think it is funny, but it might not be your cup of tea. And, watch at your own risk. If you are as addicted and obsessed, it is really not my fault.

 Running Man