Friday, February 26, 2016

My nephew's full month

Yup, my sister gave birth to a boy last month. They name him Jay. He is so cute but I might be biased. He looked exactly like my sister when she was a baby, maybe cuter. Chinese usually would host a full month celebration for the baby and so my sister did.

I was in charge of the decor. We decided to limit the colours to white, grey and green. The instruction my sister gave was simple. I love simple. I did the banner below.

This simple looking banner look me a long time to complete. Guess what, people can't even see the words on the flag. I need to work on that I think. 

I also decorate the place where they place the red eggs. 

I love how the paper rosettes look. Can't wait to use it to decorate my wall. 

The paper pom poms were supposed to be hang throughout the venue but those that ready-made ones I bought turn out to be quite ugly. I preferred those I handmade using tissue. I can't seem to find green and grey color tissue anywhere.

I really like doing all these crafts but I seems to be not cut out for it. I am still trying to convince myself it is due to the lack of practise.