Thursday, January 22, 2015

Online shopping

Couldn't sleep as usual, thought I do some online browsing for CNY clothes (Can't wait to go back to Singapore). I am a fan of big bang theory if you must know and Penny(in this show) wore the prettiest red dress!!!
(credit to photo online)
Might not be a flattering photo but i really like her. And the dress she wore. Guess what, it is sold out(not like I will spend that kind of money but still)!

I am trying not to repeat the mistake of last minute shopping(and getting reprimanded by my mum for it), so I am doing online shopping. I have a love/hate relationship with online shopping given that 50% of the time, I can't fit into the clothes I bought. Well, all I need now is luck I guess.  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hello 2015

My Holiday lasted for 2 weeks back in Singapore. It was good to celebrate Christmas and New Year back home. All the food I had, just thinking about them make me drool. I wished I can bring all the hawker food over. BCM(all time favourite), carrot cake, ban man, fried oyster, BBQ stingray with sambal, Yakun coffee and toast, and the list goes on and on. I was planning to run a lot of shopping errands but in the end, I did nothing. No time, no time. I miss Singapore.

Other than spending time with the family, I was helping out in one of the friend's wedding. Despite murphy laws rearing its head a couple of times, I had fun.

Lastly, have a blissful marriage. =)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

I was looking forward to wishing everyone Merry Christmas on this space but before I know it, it is already New Year! Time really pass us by so fast.

Anyway we are in 2015 now, and hopefully everyone will have a good year ahead.

Happy 2015!!!